Adding Drama To Your Bryce Scene


Gathering elements for a scene can be an adventure in itself but once all your terrains, plaines and sky elements have been created it's always nice to add a little drama to enhance the look of your image. To really make the scene pop out at the viewer there are a few easy steps you can take.

1) Keep the camera close to the ground. This gives the scene a sence of majesty. The camera is the viewer's eyes so keeping it low gives the illusion that the things in your scene are larger than they really are. When the camea is high, or floating, it looks as though the scene is a model and the viewer is looking at it, say, on a table. It's nicer effect to be looking up into your Bryce world. Making all your elements larger does this effect as well, with an added bonus of better interaction with the haze feature. ( Use tutorial image "High camera.jpg next to tutorial image "low camera.jpg)

High Camera

Low Camera

2) The field of view button is a very powerful feature. It can turn the simplest scene into one of motion and drama. Not only does it seem to stretch and pull the terrains but the sky and clouds as well. The Field of View button is located above and to the right of the Trackball. After adjusting your field of view you may want to use the camera controls and zoom in closer to your objects. Look at the difference between these two identical images. One tends to be flat, while the other sweeps at the viewer. (Use Tutorial image "High camera.jpg next to "Forced perspective.jpg)

Forced Perspective

3) Composition will add drama to your scene as well. Using the basic principles of foreground, middleground and background will draw your viewer's eyes into your image. Adding something of interest in all three places gives the illusion your created world goes on forever. (use Tutorial image "composition A.jpg next to image "Composition B.jpg)

Composition A

Composition B

Here is the final image. (Final image is "Sun Rays" included in the Images folder on the zip disk.)